Imagine Walking through a dark forest at night..

Imagine walking through a dark, pine scented, tangled forest at night. A large, sadistic, haunting moon glares down at you through gnarled twisted tree branches. Your hair starts to rise as you hear the far off howl of a lone wolf. You shudder as you silently thank god that it is so far off.

The shudder turns to panic as you hear an answering chorus, this time closer, and from all around you. You realize there is something standing outlined in the darkness, watching you from the hill ahead. Something eight feet tall, heavily muscled, and with the head of a wolf………..




The Upcoming Single Lycanthropy will be released on December 1st 2020 on all Major Platforms.

The single will include two tracks. The first track, “Lycanthropy” is a Meshuggah like grinding, energetic, track about Lycanthropy and the bloody, grisly, horror of a Lycanthrope enslaved by the moon’s insatiable bloodlust, rampaging through the darkened woods on a moonlit night causing death and destruction to all he encounters.

The Second track is a cover of HIM’s Soul of Fire. Adding some heavier guitars, lowering the key, and adding some screaming vocals, Moonskin’s rendition of Soul on Fire is sure to please.


Moonskin is Northern Dark,Symphonic, Rhythmic and intellectually focused Melodic Death / Black Metal from Canada.

Beginning in 2009, the the concept for the first Album “Lycanthropy” was conceived, and “Melody for the Grey was written. Over the next 10 years, through numerous distraction the recording of the album began.

The music takes inspiration from the darkness of night, the eeriness of twilight settling on the forest, and the creatures and nightmares that dwell within.

Lycanthropy is a tale set in a High Fantasy Middle Earth, Medieval, Elder Scrolls Skyrim like land. Our protagonist travels from afar and descends to a small majestic, walled medieval town set among gigantic misty snowcapped mountains, under dark grey skies. Having been chased through the dark rainy night by a terrifyingly fast, large and muscled werewolf. And having just barely escaped with his life, he discovers that the town lives in fear and is haunted by a Lycanthrope. People who have strayed beyond the village walls during the full moon have been found torn to pieces, their bodies a bloody mess. Our hero begins helping the townsfolk solve the mystery, who are suspicious of a newly arrived wrinkly, bearded, wizard clad in ragged grey. Horror, Gore, Adventure, Love and Chaos Ensue.

The music and lyrics delve into a wide range of emotion and explore fantasy concepts of the supernatural, lycanthropy, high fantasy, and horror, touching on exploration, loss, healing, ascension, power, life and death.


Drums / Hitime Sombyltomas
Rhythm Guitar, Vocals / Alky Roopeh
Vocals, Guitar / Kris Mustree
Bass / Kai Predatore
Keyboard, Sampling / Andurs KeianoBord

Moonskin Banner.jpg

Press Release:


Moonskin's "Lycanthropy" Single to be released December 1st 2020

Canada's Northern Dark Melodic Metal Moonskin, A (Single artist Masquerading as a full band) to release Heavy, grinding, Meshuggah like single titled "Lycanthropy" , including a heavy cover of HIM's Soul on Fire which is sure to please.

Kelowna, BC, Canada, Nov 17th, 2020 - Canada's Northern Dark Melodic Death/Black Metal Act Moonskin (A single artist masquerading as a full band) is set to release their second single "Lycanthropy" on December 1st, 2020 on all major streaming platforms.

"Imagine walking through a dark, pine scented, tangled forest at night. A large, sadistic, haunting moon glares down at you through gnarled twisted tree branches. Your hair starts to rise as you hear the far off howl of a lone wolf. You shudder, silently thankful that it is so far off.

The shudder turns to panic as you hear an answering chorus, this time closer, and from all around you. You realize there is something standing outlined in the darkness, watching you from the hill ahead. Something eight feet tall, heavily muscled, and with the head of a wolf………"

The single will include two tracks. The first track, “Lycanthropy” is a Meshuggah like grinding, energetic, track about Lycanthropy and the bloody, grisly, horror of a werewolf enslaved by the moon’s insatiable bloodlust, rampaging through the darkened woods on a moonlit night causing death and destruction to all he encounters.

The Second track is a cover of HIM’s Soul of Fire. Adding some heavier guitars, brooding tones, lowering the key, and adding some screaming vocals, Moonskin’s rendition of Soul on Fire is sure to please both HIM fans and Melodic Metal Fans alike.